CPCF Compliance Questionnaire – now live

NHS England and delegated Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) monitor:

  • the provision of essential and advanced services
  • pharmacy contractors’ compliance, using the CPAF with the terms of the community pharmacy contractual framework (CPCF)

Arrangements for monitoring locally commissioned services may be set out in local contracts or service level agreements.

Pharmacies must complete the CPAF every year. This is a demonstration of compliance with the community pharmacy contract.

The process includes a short questionnaire, consisting of 10 questions. Information collected from this questionnaire helps to identify whether a pharmacy needs visiting.

If a pharmacy is considered for a visit, the full, comprehensive CPAF pre-visit questionnaire will be initiated. This is the second part of the process.

The CPAF screening questionnaire is now available to complete between Monday 18 July 2022 until 11:59pm on Wednesday 31 August 2022. It is mandatory for all pharmacy contactors to complete it.

We will send a link to complete the screening questionnaire to all pharmacies.

You can complete the survey through Manage Your Service (MYS). If you do not have access to MYS, please complete the survey using the following direct link:


Once the survey has been submitted, we will not be able to reopen the survey for changes to be made.

A copy of the CPAF 2022 questionnaire (PDF: 270KB) is available to use as a training tool or to allow continuous monitoring of compliance against the community pharmacy contract. This version cannot be submitted.

If you have any problems or queries, email nhsbsa.cpaf@nhs.net.