The following news was received from the Area Team on 10th April 2015

Emergency Supply of Medicines local enhanced service

 NHS England, North Midlands will be continuing to commission the Emergency Supply of Medicines local enhanced service from 1st April 2015 for a further 12 month period. This follows on from the success of the service offered during 2014/15.

The current service specification will continue and will apply during GP out of hours periods i.e. Monday to Thursday 6.30 pm until 8am, weekends Friday to Monday from 6.30 pm to 8am and Bank Holidays. Pharmacists may supply up to five (5) day’s supply of medicines to patients who meet the requirements of the emergency supply rules.

NHS England, North Midlands will assume that pharmacies who previously signed up to the enhanced service during 2014 will continue to provide the service.  Any pharmacies wishing to sign up to provide the service for 2015/16 can do so by completing  the sign up form attached, please return the sign up form to me at the address below or to Please find all the service documentation also attached.

Details of pharmacies providing the service will be shared with NHS111 and out-of-hours providers and patients will be actively signposted to those pharmacies taking part in the out of hour’s period. Please note that it is a requirement of the Bank holiday, weekday or Sunday rota for pharmacies to provide the emergency supply service.

Please use the following links to access the documentation for this service:

201516 DNEmergency-supply Service spec and SLA

201516 DN Emergency-supply sign up page

201516 DN Emergency-supply record formA4

201516DN Emergency-supply notification form

201516DNEmergency supply Claim Form


Palliative care local enhanced service

Please be advised that the Palliative Care local enhanced service 2014/15 is rolled over to 2015/16 and the current service specification will continue.


Provision of pharmaceutical services Out of Hours local enhanced service

NHS England recently contacted pharmacies who were signed up to this service during 2014/15 to inform that the OOH LES will be continuing in 2015/16. The deadline for submission of the sign-up sheet was 31 March 2015, any contractor who has not returned the sign-up sheet 15/16 should do so at their earliest convenience and by 24 April 2015 at the latest.


MUR agreed changes to reflect the addition of the new CV risk target group and record keeping and data requirements from 1st April 2015.

In September 2014 PSNC and NHS England agreed changes in the MUR dataset to reflect the addition of the new cardiovascular risk target group and to provide more data on which of the four groups of high risk medicines patients in that MUR target group were taking.

These changes to the MUR dataset are also reflected in changes to the MUR electronic reporting template; a revised spreadsheet for pharmacies to use to report quarterly MUR data to NHS England.

The first time this amended spreadsheet will have to be used will be for quarter 1 2015/16 data, i.e. the report that has to be sent to NHS England following the end of June 2015. Prior to that point the existing spreadsheet should be used for all reports sent to NHS England even though this will not allow data to be reported on the new cardiovascular risk group from 1st January 2015.

NHS England, North Midlands require MUR and NMS data to be submitted within 10 working days of the end of each quarter. Pharmacies should diarise these dates to ensure timely data reporting. Please be advised that NHS England can only accept electronic data submissions using the PSNC template, submissions received in any other format cannot be accepted. Derbyshire pharmacies should submit their MUR and NMS data to and Nottinghamshire pharmacies should submit their data to

PSNC provide comprehensive information and contractors should utilise their website. Please find below  two links  that I think you will find helpful:

For further MUR information –

For MUR record keeping and data requirements –


Bank Holiday Notification

 This information is of critical importance to NHS England in order for us to plan pharmacy provision during holiday periods. If we are not able to determine the opening hours of pharmacies, with a high degree of certainty, our option may be to issue directions to one or more pharmacies requiring them to open. This clearly is not in the best interests of pharmacies if there are other suitable pharmacies that would have been open. Any pharmacies that have not submitted their bank holiday opening hours should complete the form here and return it to Chris Kerry at the address below or to


Domiciliary MUR Pilot

All claims for the Domiciliary MUR pilot must be input onto PharmOutcomes as soon as possible and by 9am on Monday 13 April 2015. As this has been a time specific pilot, no further consultations are permitted. Sam Travis will be contacting all those pharmacies that participated in the pilot with details of the service going forward in 2015/16.


Contact for these matters:

Chris Kerry

Primary Care Officer

North Midlands

NHS England

Birch House | Southwell Road West | Rainworth | Nottinghamshire | NG21 0HJ

Tel: 01138 255427